Bahan Bumbu Pedas Untuk Cimol

25/10/2015 06:47
Bahan Bumbu Pedas Untuk Cimol - Early in the morning delicious healthy fresh tasting ya think, what if you make a drink soymilk as will be discussed here. Making course materials from pure soybeans are cleaned terlebihdulu then added with a few other ingredients to be a drink that was really fresh and healthy as well. These drinks can be enjoyed with several types and of course taste, if you want to present drink soymilk cold you can add ice, or perhaps want to drink soymilk warm you can also panaska, just drinks is still good even though it was served in any way, and to a matter of taste then you can add your own.
Soymilk beverage is already sold in the market resep cimol many who sell these drinks, because in addition to delicious this drink contains many nutrients and nutrients in it, so it is good for people who consume them. Well how now with you, want to try it not, if yes please create alone so that the results are satisfactory, there is the following recipe here.
How to Make Sweet Soy Beverage Sari Segar
Prepare a bucket to soak and clean the soy beans until they are clean and ready, save approximately 6 hours
If so, please clean the skin of the beans until completely clean
Live input soybeans into the blender along with clean water, then belender soya beans until smooth then strain
Now pour the filter soy into the pot, then add other ingredients such as vanilla, sugar and pandan leaves
Stir all ingredients earlier and wait until cooked and boil
Lift and pour it in a glass of processed food.
Turn off the heat and soya ready to be enjoyed
It's easy not to make processed soymilk drinks, but if you want a more special dish please serve these beverages with the addition of ice cubes or you can put it into the refrigerator terlebihdulu, good luck.


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